• Ffocws ar Ymarfer / Focus on Practice

    Ffocws ar Ymarfer / Focus on Practice

Mae’r casgliad Ffocws ar Ymarfer yn cynnwys erthyglau byrrach sy’n archwilio ymarfer, ble bynnag y mae’n digwydd. Yn y casgliad hwn, rydym yn benodol yn croesawu erthyglau gan ymarferwyr ac ymchwilwyr ar ddechrau eu gyrfa, sy’n cyflwyno mewnwelediadau unigryw i ddimensiynau amrywiol ymarfer addysgol.

The Focus on Practice collection features shorter articles investigating practice, wherever it takes place. In this collection, we particularly welcome articles by practitioners and early career researchers which present unique insights into the various dimensions of educational practice. Submissions are welcome in either Welsh or English and are published bilingually.

Focus on Practice (Welsh)

Archwiliad o ganfyddiadau datblygol athrawon ITM dan hyfforddiant o ddad-drefedigaethu’r cwricwlwm ITM

Kerry Bevan

2024-07-30 Ffocws ar Ymarfer / Focus on Practice

Archwilio hyder athrawon wrth fynd i’r afael â materion iechyd meddwl mewn dysgwyr ag Anawsterau Dysgu Dwys a Lluosog (PMLD) cyn ac ar ôl hyfforddiant

Eve Devlin

2024-03-28 Ffocws ar Ymarfer / Focus on Practice

Cyd-ddylunio mannau dysgu gyda dysgwyr: Gwersi o ystafell ddosbarth ysgol gynradd Gymraeg

Robyn McQueen, Mathew Pullen, Sammy Chapman, Scott Hann, Gary Beauchamp, Tom Crick, Owen Davies, Carl Hughes, Caroline Lewis and Kaydee Leanne Owen

2024-03-28 Ffocws ar Ymarfer / Focus on Practice

Cyrchu’r Cnu Aur: cyrch i werthuso’r ffordd y mae Deallusrwydd Emosiynol yn dylanwadu ar waith arweinwyr ysgolion cynradd

Stella Stavrou Theodotou and Janet A. Harvey

2023-05-19 Ffocws ar Ymarfer / Focus on Practice

A oes gan athroniaeth rôl mewn ysgolion?

Darius Klibavicius

2023-04-04 Ffocws ar Ymarfer / Focus on Practice

Also a part of:

Collection: Y Dyniaethau / Humanities

Sut y dylem addysgu pobl mewn cymdeithas ddemocrataidd?

Nadene Mackay

2023-04-04 Ffocws ar Ymarfer / Focus on Practice

Also a part of:

Collection: Y Dyniaethau / Humanities

Focus on Practice (English)

An exploration of student MFL teachers’ emerging perceptions of decolonising the MFL curriculum

Kerry Bevan

2024-06-27 Ffocws ar Ymarfer / Focus on Practice

Exploring teachers’ confidence in addressing mental health issues in learners with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD) pre and post training

Eve Devlin

2024-03-28 Ffocws ar Ymarfer / Focus on Practice

Co-designing learning spaces with learners: Lessons from a Welsh primary school classroom

Robyn McQueen, Mathew Pullen, Sammy Chapman, Scott Hann, Gary Beauchamp, Tom Crick, Owen Davies, Carl Hughes, Caroline Lewis and Kaydee Leanne Owen

2024-03-28 Ffocws ar Ymarfer / Focus on Practice

Seeking the Golden Fleece: a quest to evaluate the way Emotional Intelligence influences the work of primary school leaders

Stella Stavrou Theodotou and Janet A. Harvey

2023-05-19 Ffocws ar Ymarfer / Focus on Practice

Does philosophy have a role in school?

Darius Klibavicius

2023-04-04 Ffocws ar Ymarfer / Focus on Practice

Also a part of:

Collection: Y Dyniaethau / Humanities

How should we educate people in a democratic society?

Nadene Mackay

2023-04-04 Ffocws ar Ymarfer / Focus on Practice

Also a part of:

Collection: Y Dyniaethau / Humanities