About the Journal

Aims and Scope

The Wales Journal of Education aims to play a key role in further supporting and developing the educational research base in Wales, by providing a venue for a range of high-quality submissions reflecting the diverse nature of educational research methods and methodologies. In bi-annual issues, we welcome local and international research that provides insights into shaping current and future education policy and practice in Wales. Furthermore, the focus of the journal is not just on schools and compulsory-level education; we very much welcome educational research on issues that affect the entire life course, from early years through to post-compulsory education, training and lifelong learning.

Published by the University of Wales Press with the support of Welsh Government, the Wales Journal of Education is a platinum Open Access journal, free of charge, bilingual and available to read in digital format for anyone, anywhere in the world, with no author-facing charges.

Open Access

The Wales Journal of Education is a platinum Open Access journal. Articles are published under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND). Readers are able to access all content free of charge, and are permitted to download, copy, print, share, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, under the terms of the Creative Commons license. There are no fees to submit or publish in the journal. No registration is required to read content.

Peer Review

The Wales Journal of Education operates a double-blind peer review policy. Read more about our peer review process > 

Copyright and Licence

  • The Wales Journal of Education is published under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND licence, which allows others to download and share the work, with credit to the original authors. This licence restricts others from making changes to the work, or from allowing others to use the work commercially.
  • Authors retain the copyright of their articles, and grant the University of Wales Press exclusive publishing rights and exclusive commercial rights, meaning that the article cannot be published or sold elsewhere without permission.
  • Articles are accepted on the assumption that they have not been published previously and are not currently being offered to another journal.
  • It is the responsibility of the author to ensure any necessary permissions for third party copyright material have been cleared for Open Access.

Repository policy

An author can deposit their article to an institutional or other repository of their choice, under the following conditions:

Submitted version: the submitted version cannot be deposited in a repository.

Accepted version (Author Accepted Manuscript): the Author Accepted Manuscript can be deposited, and made readable from the Version of Record’s publication date. A full citation and DOI link should be included when the Version of Record is published.

Published version (Version of Record): the Version of Record can be deposited with a full citation and DOI link to the article’s page on the Wales Journal of Education website.


The Wales Journal of Education is indexed by Ebsco.

Publication Fees

There are no author charges to submit or publish in the Wales Journal of Education.

Publication Cycle

Wales Journal of Education publishes two issues each year.


The Wales Journal of Education is archived using Portico


The Wales Journal of Education does not publish adverts on our website or in Print On Demand issues.


The Wales Journal of Education is published by the University of Wales Press with the support of Welsh Government.

Print on Demand

If you would like to purchase a print copy of the Wales Journal of Education, contact the University of Wales Press for more information.

Focus on Practice

Articles in Focus on Practice are published individually throughout the year, and do not form part of the numbered issues of the Wales Journal of Education. Focus on Practice aims to provide short (2,500 word maximum), academically rigorous articles that can inform educational practice. We encourage contributions from practitioners and researchers at all stages of their career and from anywhere in the world. Go to Focus on Practice >