Publication Ethics

Allegations of research misconduct

  • The publisher or Editor will inform the author immediately of any allegations of misconduct. Misconduct may be defined as any action in the authorship of a journal which could be considered unethical or fraudulent, including but not limited to plagiarism and intentional omission of credit.
  • Any whistleblower raising a matter of misconduct will remain anonymous.
  • Allegations of misconduct will be investigated in a timely manner, according to guidelines from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). All parties will have the support of the University of Wales Press during this process.
  • If we receive an allegation of misconduct, the article author may be asked to provide evidence of their original research.
  • If misconduct is proven following the publication of a journal issue, the article in question will be removed from our online hosting site.


  • Authors should ensure there are no instances of self-plagiarism in their manuscript. Submitted manuscripts must not repeat work published elsewhere, unless this has been agreed in advance with the Editor and publisher.

Conflict of interest

  • Editors and authors should declare any potential conflict of interest relating to a specific journal article, in order to determine if any action is required.
  • Reviewers should inform the editor of any conflict of interest prior to accepting a manuscript for review.

Peer review

  • Editors should keep all submissions confidential and should only distribute content externally for the purposes of peer review. Reviewers must also treat manuscripts as confidential, and should only discuss their content with the Editor.
  • Reviewers and Editors will judge manuscripts based on academic merit alone, without discrimination toward their relationship to the author, or the author’s institutional affiliation, political or religious beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, or ethnicity.
  • For more information on our review process, visit our Peer Review page.

Authorship and contributorship

  • Authors who contributed to a published article must be listed in the PDF and metadata of each article. It is the joint responsibility of the authors to submit a complete list of author names, in the order they should appear. 
  • Enquiries regarding author listing on articles, pre or post-publication, should be directed to the University of Wales Press using the Contact form. The publisher will discuss corrections with the Editors and authors to determine the correct course of action, in line with COPE guidelines.
  • Authors should acknowledge all sources of external funding relating to an article.

Post-publication discussions and corrections

  • Only credited authors can request corrections to published articles. If a minor or major correction must be made to your article, contact the University of Wales Press using the Contact form. The publisher will liaise with the Editors and author to make necessary corrections as soon as possible.

Complaints and appeals

  • The Editors and the University of Wales Press will carefully consider any appeals or complaints, according to COPE guidelines. In the first instance, contact the Editors and the University of Wales Press. 

Reproducibility and third-party material

  • All content should be original unless stated otherwise. For third-party content, authors must seek permission from the source, unless the material is covered by fair dealing. Appropriate citations must be included in the article.
  • Authors should not submit an article that has been published elsewhere, or is being considered for publication elsewhere.

Ethical oversight

Intellectual property

  • Authors retain the copyright of their articles, and grant the University of Wales Press exclusive publishing rights and exclusive commercial rights. For more information on copyright and licencing, visit our About page.