Iechyd a Lles / Health And Well Being

Research Articles (Welsh)

'Tu hwnt i fod yn neis’: model ar gyfer cynorthwyo oedolion sy’n dysgu ESOL ac sydd wedi dioddef trawma

Larysa Agbaso and Gabriel John Roberts

2023-12-15 Volume 25 • Issue 2 • 2023

Also a part of:

Collection: Iechyd a Lles / Health And Well Being

Astudiaeth Delphi i nodi strategaethau i liniaru effaith niweidiol COVID-19 ar blant o dan bump oed yng Nghymru

Cathryn Knight, Jacky Tyrie, Tom Crick and Margarida Borras Batalla

2023-12-15 Volume 25 • Issue 2 • 2023

Also a part of:

Collection: Iechyd a Lles / Health And Well Being

Gweithredu Model ABA yn yr Ystafell Ddosbarth mewn ysgol addysg arbennig a gynhelir yng Nghymru

Helena O'Boyle and Marguerite Hoerger

2021-07-30 Volume 23 • Issue 1 • 2021

Also a part of:

Collection: Iechyd a Lles / Health And Well Being

Mentora Athrawon Addysg Gorfforol dan Hyfforddiant yng Nghymru: Gwersi Adolygiad Systematig o'r Llenyddiaeth

Sally Bethell, Anna S. Bryant, Steve. M Cooper, Lowri C. Edwards and Kieran Hodgkin

2020-09-01 Volume 22 • Issue 2 • 2020 • 26-52

Also a part of:

Collection: Iechyd a Lles / Health And Well Being

Collection: Addysg Gychwynnol i Athrawon / Initial Teacher Education

Research Articles (English)

‘Beyond Being Nice’: A model for supporting adult ESOL learners who have experienced trauma

Larysa Agbaso and Gabriel John Roberts

2023-12-15 Volume 25 • Issue 2 • 2023 • 89-120

Also a part of:

Collection: Iechyd a Lles / Health And Well Being

A Delphi Study to identify strategies to mitigate the adverse impact of COVID-19 on children under the age of five in Wales

Cathryn Knight, Jacky Tyrie, Tom Crick and Margarida Borras Batalla

2023-12-15 Volume 25 • Issue 2 • 2023 • 8-35

Also a part of:

Collection: Iechyd a Lles / Health And Well Being

Implementing a Classroom-Based ABA Model in a maintained special education school in Wales

Helena O'Boyle and Marguerite Hoerger

2021-07-30 Volume 23 • Issue 1 • 2021

Also a part of:

Collection: Iechyd a Lles / Health And Well Being

Mentoring PE Student Teachers in Wales: Lessons from a Systematic Review of the Literature

Sally Bethell, Anna S. Bryant, Steve M. Cooper, Lowri C. Edwards and Kieran Hodgkin

2020-09-01 Volume 22 • Issue 2 • 2020 • 26-51

Also a part of:

Collection: Iechyd a Lles / Health And Well Being

Collection: Addysg Gychwynnol i Athrawon / Initial Teacher Education

Transition from Primary to Secondary School and More Able and Talented (MAT) Disadvantaged Pupils: Evidence from South-east Wales

David Egan, Dan Davies, Kieran Hodgkin and Susan Davis

2018-03-01 Volume 20 • Issue 1 • 2018 • 46-75

Also a part of:

Collection: Iechyd a Lles / Health And Well Being

Pupils' Expectations and Experiences of PE across the Primary–secondary Transition in South Wales

Kieran Hodgkin

2018-03-01 Volume 20 • Issue 1 • 2018 • 93-113

Also a part of:

Collection: Iechyd a Lles / Health And Well Being

Narrowing the Gap: Lessons from RAISE Ten Years On

Duncan Holtom

2017-11-01 Volume 19 • Issue 2 • 2017 • 118-142

Also a part of:

Collection: Iechyd a Lles / Health And Well Being

Collection: Arweinyddiaeth a Pholisi Addysg / Education Leadership and Policy

Raising Educational and Occupational Aspirations: Encouraging Family Conversation

Susan Golding

2017-11-01 Volume 19 • Issue 2 • 2017 • 5-26

Also a part of:

Collection: Iechyd a Lles / Health And Well Being

The Position on Behaviour and Attendance in Wales: Some Reflections from an Insider's Perspective

Ken Reid

2016-03-01 Volume 18 • Issue 1 • 2016 • 131-160

Also a part of:

Collection: Iechyd a Lles / Health And Well Being

Educational Equity in Wales

David Egan

2016-03-01 Volume 18 • Issue 1 • 2016 • 21-44

Also a part of:

Collection: Iechyd a Lles / Health And Well Being