
299 results

An exploration of student MFL teachers’ emerging perceptions of decolonising the MFL curriculum.

Kerry Bevan

2024-06-27 Ffocws ar Ymarfer / Focus on Practice

Co-designing learning spaces with learners: Lessons from a Welsh primary school classroom

Robyn McQueen, Mathew Pullen, Sammy Chapman, Scott Hann, Gary Beauchamp, Tom Crick, Owen Davies, Carl Hughes, Caroline Lewis and Kaydee Leanne Owen

2024-03-28 Ffocws ar Ymarfer / Focus on Practice

Archwilio hyder athrawon wrth fynd i’r afael â materion iechyd meddwl mewn dysgwyr ag Anawsterau Dysgu Dwys a Lluosog (PMLD) cyn ac ar ôl hyfforddiant

Eve Devlin

2024-03-28 Ffocws ar Ymarfer / Focus on Practice

Cyd-ddylunio mannau dysgu gyda dysgwyr: Gwersi o ystafell ddosbarth ysgol gynradd Gymraeg

Robyn McQueen, Mathew Pullen, Sammy Chapman, Scott Hann, Gary Beauchamp, Tom Crick, Owen Davies, Carl Hughes, Caroline Lewis and Kaydee Leanne Owen

2024-03-28 Ffocws ar Ymarfer / Focus on Practice

Exploring teachers’ confidence in addressing mental health issues in learners with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD) pre and post training

Eve Devlin

2024-03-28 Ffocws ar Ymarfer / Focus on Practice

Dewis Iaith Dramor Fodern fel pwnc TGAU – a oes dewis? Y blychau opsiwn a ffactorau eraill

Delyth Jones

2023-12-15 Volume 25 • Issue 2 • 2023 • 71-96

Also a part of:

Collection: Iaith, Llythrennedd a Chyfathrebiad / Language, Literacy and Communication

A Delphi Study to identify strategies to mitigate the adverse impact of COVID-19 on children under the age of five in Wales

Cathryn Knight, Jacky Tyrie, Tom Crick and Margarida Borras Batalla

2023-12-15 Volume 25 • Issue 2 • 2023 • 8-35

Also a part of:

Collection: Iechyd a Lles / Health And Well Being

‘Beyond Being Nice’: A model for supporting adult ESOL learners who have experienced trauma

Larysa Agbaso and Gabriel John Roberts

2023-12-15 Volume 25 • Issue 2 • 2023 • 89-120

Also a part of:

Collection: Iechyd a Lles / Health And Well Being

Editorial — Envisioning the Post-COVID “New Normal” for Education in Wales

Enlli Thomas, Tom Crick and Gary Beauchamp

2023-12-15 Volume 25 • Issue 2 • 2023 • 1-7

Primary school parent governors in a deprived south Wales community: how do their experiences contribute to our understanding of school governance?

Allan Glyndwr Meredith

2023-12-15 Volume 25 • Issue 2 • 2023 • 36-62

Also a part of:

Collection: Arweinyddiaeth a Pholisi Addysg / Education Leadership and Policy

'Tu hwnt i fod yn neis’: model ar gyfer cynorthwyo oedolion sy’n dysgu ESOL ac sydd wedi dioddef trawma

Larysa Agbaso and Gabriel John Roberts

2023-12-15 Volume 25 • Issue 2 • 2023

Also a part of:

Collection: Iechyd a Lles / Health And Well Being

Astudiaeth Delphi i nodi strategaethau i liniaru effaith niweidiol COVID-19 ar blant o dan bump oed yng Nghymru

Cathryn Knight, Jacky Tyrie, Tom Crick and Margarida Borras Batalla

2023-12-15 Volume 25 • Issue 2 • 2023

Also a part of:

Collection: Iechyd a Lles / Health And Well Being

Rhiant-lywodraethwyr ysgol gynradd mewn cymuned ddifreintiedig yn Ne Cymru: sut mae eu profiadau yn cyfrannu at ein dirnadaeth o lywodraethu ysgolion?

Allan Glyndwr Meredith

2023-12-15 Volume 25 • Issue 2 • 2023

Also a part of:

Collection: Arweinyddiaeth a Pholisi Addysg / Education Leadership and Policy

Choosing a Modern Foreign Language as a GCSE subject – is there a choice? Option boxes and other factors

Delyth Jones

2023-12-15 Volume 25 • Issue 2 • 2023

Also a part of:

Collection: Iaith, Llythrennedd a Chyfathrebiad / Language, Literacy and Communication

Golygyddol — Rhagweld y “Normal Newydd” Ôl-COVID ar gyfer Addysg yng Nghymru

Enlli Thomas, Tom Crick and Gary Beauchamp

2023-12-15 Volume 25 • Issue 2 • 2023

How do we achieve the third space? The challenges and strengths of partnership working to deliver a flexible PGCE Programme in Wales

Alison Glover, Sarah Stewart, Angela Thomas and Rachel Thomas

2023-07-13 Volume 25 • Issue 1 • 2023

Also a part of:

Collection: Addysg Gychwynnol i Athrawon / Initial Teacher Education

Editorial: Conceptualising Education in Wales Through Reform, Identity, Language and History

Tom Crick, Enlli Thomas and Gary Beauchamp

2023-07-13 Volume 25 • Issue 1 • 2023

Exploring the Discursive Construction of National Identity Through the Building of the New Curriculum for Wales

Alys Lowri Roberts

2023-07-13 Volume 25 • Issue 1 • 2023

Also a part of:

Collection: Cwricwlwm i Gymru / Curriculum for Wales

Tuag at y continwwm iaith: Diffiniadau a goblygiadau ar gyfer cyflwyno'r Gymraeg yn y cwricwlwm newydd i Gymru

Alexander Edwin Lovell

2023-07-13 Volume 25 • Issue 1 • 2023

Also a part of:

Collection: Dwyieithrwydd / Bilingualism

Sut mae cyflawni’r trydydd gofod? Heriau a chryfderau gwaith partneriaeth i ddarparu Rhaglen TAR hyblyg yng Nghymru

Alison Glover, Sarah Stewart, Angela Thomas and Rachel Thomas

2023-07-13 Volume 25 • Issue 1 • 2023

Also a part of:

Collection: Addysg Gychwynnol i Athrawon / Initial Teacher Education

Golygyddol: Cysyniadu Addysg yng Nghymru trwy Ddiwygio, Hunaniaeth, Iaith a Hanes

Tom Crick, Enlli Thomas and Gary Beauchamp

2023-07-13 Volume 25 • Issue 1 • 2023

Strike a pose! Continuity and change in school class photographs: Shifting representations of education and childhood through time

Merris Griffiths

2023-07-13 Volume 25 • Issue 1 • 2023

Also a part of:

Collection: Celfyddydau Mynegiannol / Expressive Arts

Towards the language continuum: Definitions and implications for Welsh learners in English-medium education

Alexander Edwin Lovell

2023-07-13 Volume 25 • Issue 1 • 2023

Also a part of:

Collection: Dwyieithrwydd / Bilingualism

Pawb i edrych arna’ i! Parhad a newid mewn ffotograffau o ddosbarthiadau ysgol: Portreadau newidiol o addysg a phlentyndod trwy amser

Merris Griffiths

2023-07-13 Volume 25 • Issue 1 • 2023

Also a part of:

Collection: Celfyddydau Mynegiannol / Expressive Arts

Archwilio Lluniad Disgyrsiol Hunaniaeth Genedlaethol trwy Greu’r Cwricwlwm i Gymru Newydd

Alys Lowri Roberts

2023-07-13 Volume 25 • Issue 1 • 2023

Also a part of:

Collection: Cwricwlwm i Gymru / Curriculum for Wales