Research Articles (English)

Exploring the Discursive Construction of National Identity Through the Building of the New Curriculum for Wales

Author: Alys Lowri Roberts (University of Cambridge)

  • Exploring the Discursive Construction of National Identity Through the Building of the New Curriculum for Wales

    Research Articles (English)

    Exploring the Discursive Construction of National Identity Through the Building of the New Curriculum for Wales



Wales is currently undergoing its largest ever educational reform in way of a new curriculum, within this reform multiple themes of identity and nationality are raised and used. This article uses Foucauldian discourse analysis to explore the discursive construction of identity in the building of the new curriculum. Through locating and exploring the subjectification of learners’ identity, this paper discusses the potential for learners’ subject position for identities and belonging within the new curriculum. It locates identity as diverse, fluid, spatial and strategic and explores the potential outcomes for these discursive constructions in regards to the subject positions of learners. It found these discourses to be interacting and in relation with one another, but also with the potential for conflict and contradiction. It notes many complexities and nuances in themes of identities and belonging within the curriculum. The work found potential for belonging as well as barriers such, as alienation and exclusion for learners. Finally, it offers some caution for ensuring these barriers can be overcome for all learners in the implementation of the new curriculum.

Keywords: nationality, belonging, Wales, Foucault, curriculum, Foucauldian discourse analysis, identity

How to Cite:

Roberts, A. L., (2023) “Exploring the Discursive Construction of National Identity Through the Building of the New Curriculum for Wales”, Wales Journal of Education 25(1). doi:

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Published on
13 Jul 2023
Peer Reviewed