Research Articles (English)

A Systematic Approach to Curriculum Reform in Wales

Author: Graham Donaldson (Wales Journal of Education)

  • A Systematic Approach to Curriculum Reform in Wales

    Research Articles (English)

    A Systematic Approach to Curriculum Reform in Wales



The school curriculum in Wales, as in England and Northern Ireland but not Scotland, has been statutory since 1988. Successive adjustments over the succeeding twenty-six years have given rise to concerns about the relevance and workability of the framework such that, by 2014, it was clear to the Welsh Government that a fundamental review of curriculum and assessment arrangements was required. It therefore decided to establish an independent and fundamental review of curriculum and assessment arrangements led by the author of this article, Graham Donaldson. His report, Successful Futures, published in February 2015 and accepted in full by the Welsh Government, recommends a radically different direction for curriculum and assessment arrangements together with advice on a systemic approach to implementation. This article explores the rationale for the Donaldson proposals and outlines their key features. It also considers implementation issues against the proposed systemic approach recommended by the review.

How to Cite:

Donaldson, G., (2016) “A Systematic Approach to Curriculum Reform in Wales”, Wales Journal of Education 18(1), 7-20.

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Published on
01 Mar 2016
Peer Reviewed