Research Articles (English)

Designing an Integrated Programme of Initial Teacher Education: Progress, Considerations and Reflections

Authors: Alma Harris orcid logo (Swansea University) , Michelle Jones orcid logo (Swansea University) , Helen Lewis orcid logo (Swansea University) , Neil Lucas (Swansea University) , Joanna Thomas (Swansea University)

  • Designing an Integrated Programme of Initial Teacher Education: Progress, Considerations and Reflections

    Research Articles (English)

    Designing an Integrated Programme of Initial Teacher Education: Progress, Considerations and Reflections

    Authors: , , , ,


This article explores the development of an integrated programme of initial teacher education premised upon a clinical practice approach that aims to develop student teachers as research-informed, reflective practitioners. The article outlines key decisions in developing an integrated approach to a new programme of initial teacher education that is both research-infused and research-informed. It highlights the centrality of a Partnership approach to the design of the programme and outlines the co-construction process that underpinned it. The article also explains how University subject experts are integral to the ITE programme providing both subject and research expertise. The main features of this integrated programme of ITE are outlined, and the article concludes by offering some reflections and considerations about an approach to initial teacher education that is genuinely research informed and grounded in teacher enquiry.

How to Cite:

Harris, A., Jones, M., Lewis, H., Lucas, N. & Thomas, J., (2020) “Designing an Integrated Programme of Initial Teacher Education: Progress, Considerations and Reflections”, Wales Journal of Education 22(1), 142-163. doi:

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Published on
01 Mar 2020
Peer Reviewed