Research Articles (English)

A Close-up on Close-to-practice Research: Reflecting On Teacher Educators' Experiences of and Engagement with a Classroom-Based Research Project

Authors: Helen Lewis (Wales Journal of Education) , Siân Brooks (Wales Journal of Education) , Gail Parker (Wales Journal of Education) , Diane Thomas (Wales Journal of Education)

  • A Close-up on Close-to-practice Research: Reflecting On Teacher Educators' Experiences of and Engagement with a Classroom-Based Research Project

    Research Articles (English)

    A Close-up on Close-to-practice Research: Reflecting On Teacher Educators' Experiences of and Engagement with a Classroom-Based Research Project

    Authors: , , ,


Recent drives to improve initial teacher education in Wales identify the need to build professional capital and to develop and sustain research capacity within the sector (Furlong, 2015). However, such capacity, and the integration of research into teacher education remains underdeveloped (Leat et al., 2014; Furlong, 2016). This paper reports on the experiences of three teacher educators who are novice researchers. They engaged in a small-scale close-to-practice research project with primary and secondary schoolteachers, under the guidance of a more experienced research colleague. Using evidence from self-study (Lunenberg and Willemse, 2006) and reflective enquiry (Lyons, 2006) the paper discusses how collaborative engagement in research allowed the participants the opportunity to reclaim a 'sense of wonder' (Berry, 1998) about their practice (where we define a sense of wonder as a sense of inquiry into their practice). The paper's central argument is that whilst a national policy drive has necessitated a change in research culture within initial teacher education, reasons for involvement go beyond a feeling of 'because we have to'. The participants regarded involvement as key to their professional growth. Time and opportunity to research pedagogical practices in other teacher's classes opened up space for the participants to 'wonder' about their own practices. They also felt that the experience supported a shift towards adopting the identity of 'researcher'. The paper considers why this is so important in the current climate of educational change in Wales.

How to Cite:

Lewis, H., Brooks, S., Parker, G. & Thomas, D., (2018) “A Close-up on Close-to-practice Research: Reflecting On Teacher Educators' Experiences of and Engagement with a Classroom-Based Research Project”, Wales Journal of Education 20(1), 76-92. doi:

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Published on
01 Mar 2018
Peer Reviewed