Research Articles (Welsh)

Dylanwad y Profion Darllen Cenedlaethol ar Addysgu a Dysgu Strategaethau Darllen – Astudiaeth Achos mewn Un Ysgol Uwchradd Gymraeg

Author: Jane Nicholas (Wales Journal of Education)

  • Dylanwad y Profion Darllen Cenedlaethol ar Addysgu a Dysgu Strategaethau Darllen – Astudiaeth Achos mewn Un Ysgol Uwchradd Gymraeg

    Research Articles (Welsh)

    Dylanwad y Profion Darllen Cenedlaethol ar Addysgu a Dysgu Strategaethau Darllen – Astudiaeth Achos mewn Un Ysgol Uwchradd Gymraeg



In 2013, in the face of concern about low literacy standards, standardised reading tests for 7–14-year-olds became statutory in Wales. International research literature shows polarised views about the effect of high stakes tests on education standards, while suggesting that a combination of teaching reading strategies, offering feedback on performance and the promotion of reading, increases pupils' self-efficacy and confidence levels. By means of a case study, this paper considers the influence of the tests on the teaching and learning of reading strategies and on pupils' attitudes towards reading. A sample of 302 of Year 7 and Year 9 pupils was surveyed, together with focus groups with a sub-sample and interviews with key staff. While pupils showed awareness of a variety of reading strategies, and reported high levels of confidence in preparation for the tests, there were mixed reactions towards specific whole-school literacy sessions. Generally, older pupils' attitudes to reading were more negative. Furthermore, an emphasis on accountability had led the school to focus on test preparation at the expense of using the results diagnostically.

How to Cite:

Nicholas, J., (2017) “Dylanwad y Profion Darllen Cenedlaethol ar Addysgu a Dysgu Strategaethau Darllen – Astudiaeth Achos mewn Un Ysgol Uwchradd Gymraeg”, Wales Journal of Education 19(2), 78-98. doi:

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Published on
01 Nov 2017
Peer Reviewed