There is a growing evidence base linked to high quality and effective practice which supports and enhances children's outcomes (socio-emotional and cognitive development) in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC, 0–8 year olds). It includes the recognition of important aspects of quality, its measurement and the characteristics of effective educators. More specifically, new understandings about the practices and pedagogies which make a real difference to children's outcomes are emerging, including the importance of relational and intentional pedagogies and the educators' engagement with and promotion of sustained shared thinking (SST) within their classrooms/settings. The extant literature, together with a growing but still developing discourse around effective professional development (PD), could usefully inform future directions within the sector in Wales, and support the successful implementation of the Foundation Phase (3–7 year olds).
How to Cite:
Kingston, D. & Siraj, I., (2017) “Supporting the Implementation of the Foundation Phase through Effective Professional Development”, Wales Journal of Education 19(1), 39-68. doi: https://doi.org/10.16922/wje.19.1.3
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