Research Articles (English)

Professional Learning Communities: A Strategy for School and System Improvement?

Authors: Alma Harris (Wales Journal of Education) , Michelle Suzette Jones (Wales Journal of Education)

  • Professional Learning Communities: A Strategy for School and System Improvement?

    Research Articles (English)

    Professional Learning Communities: A Strategy for School and System Improvement?

    Authors: ,


The purpose of this article is to reflect upon a large-scale investment in professional learning communities, as a strategy for school and system improvement, in Wales. The article draws upon the international research evidence about professional learning communities and considers issues of definition and impact. It also charts and reflects upon the progress of a system-wide approach to developing professional learning communities at scale. The article highlights that first, under the right conditions, professional learning communities have the potential to build professional capital. Secondly, it reinforces the need for rigorous and sustained implementation if a lasting impact is to be achieved. The article offers insights and reflections upon a significant investment in professional learning communities, in Wales, as a strategy for school and system improvement.

How to Cite:

Harris, A. & Jones, M. S., (2017) “Professional Learning Communities: A Strategy for School and System Improvement?”, Wales Journal of Education 19(1), 16-38. doi:

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Published on
01 Mar 2017
Peer Reviewed