Research Articles (English)

Educational Equity in Wales

Author: David Egan (Wales Journal of Education)

  • Educational Equity in Wales

    Research Articles (English)

    Educational Equity in Wales



About one-fifth of the population of contemporary Wales live permanently in official poverty and another one-third live close to the poverty line. At least one-third of our children live in child poverty. Low levels of educational achievement are a characteristic feature of adults and children living in poverty in Wales. This in turn is closely linked to their chances of obtaining regular, high-quality employment that will provide them, their families and their communities with an opportunity to escape poverty. It is clear, therefore, that the biggest weakness of the current education system in Wales is the underachievement of those experiencing poverty. The greatest challenge is to improve the educational outcomes of disadvantaged learners. This article argues that if this is to be achieved, it will not be through the school improvement-led approach that has dominated education policy in Wales in recent times. A new policy paradigm is required which places far more emphasis on the importance of family and community engagement, as well as ensuring that schools work most effectively for those who need their support the most.

How to Cite:

Egan, D., (2016) “Educational Equity in Wales”, Wales Journal of Education 18(1), 21-44.

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Published on
01 Mar 2016
Peer Reviewed