Wales Journal of Education

Developing a Shared Culture of Thinking in Early Years Settings

Author: Helen Lewis (Wales Journal of Education)

  • Developing a Shared Culture of Thinking in Early Years Settings

    Wales Journal of Education

    Developing a Shared Culture of Thinking in Early Years Settings



The aim of this paper is to review the outcomes of a small-scale action research project, which investigated the development of children's thinking in the Foundation Phase. The paper uses a case study approach to discuss the use of Video-Stimulated Reflective Dialogue (VSRD) as a tool to facilitate reflection in both teachers and children. The use of Visible Thinking Routines (VTRs) as materials to promote effective thinking is described, and a link is made to the development of children's communication skills as well as their thinking skills. The teachers formed a Professional Learning Community (PLC) in that they were a group of professionals collaborating and enquiring in order to improve learner outcomes (Harris and Jones, 2010). One teacher's development is explored in depth, with particular reference to the change in the nature of interaction that took place as a result of the project. The findings echo previous research, which suggests that VSRD is an effective tool in drawing out practitioners' tacit knowledge about their pedagogy (Powell, 2004). Many children also demonstrated an awareness of their own thinking. They talked about useful strategies, and when and why they chose to use them. VSRD enabled the children to highlight this understanding themselves, rather than the researcher inferring this from behaviour. The tools also provided opportunities for periods of sustained shared thinking, and supported the development of a common language of thinking within the classroom.

How to Cite:

Lewis, H., (2013) “Developing a Shared Culture of Thinking in Early Years Settings”, Wales Journal of Education 16(1), 37-53.

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Published on
01 Nov 2013
Peer Reviewed