Wales Journal of Education

'Time spent among other people is where meaning is found.' The 'working lives' research report on narratives of occupational change in further and higher education in post-devolution Wales

Authors: Jane Salisbury (Wales Journal of Education) , Caryn Cook (Wales Journal of Education) , Lynne Gornall (Wales Journal of Education) , Lyn Daunton (Wales Journal of Education) , Brychan Thomas (Wales Journal of Education)

  • 'Time spent among other people is where meaning is found.' The 'working lives' research report on narratives of occupational change in further and higher education in post-devolution Wales

    Wales Journal of Education

    'Time spent among other people is where meaning is found.' The 'working lives' research report on narratives of occupational change in further and higher education in post-devolution Wales

    Authors: , , , ,

How to Cite:

Salisbury, J., Cook, C., Gornall, L., Daunton, L. & Thomas, B., (2009) “'Time spent among other people is where meaning is found.' The 'working lives' research report on narratives of occupational change in further and higher education in post-devolution Wales”, Wales Journal of Education 14(2), 97-103.

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Published on
20 Jul 2009
Peer Reviewed