Wales Journal of Education

Developing Effective Schools: Creating School Contexts that Facilitate Teacher Engagement with Collaborative Action Research

Authors: Susan M. B. Davies (Wales Journal of Education) , Andrew Howes (Wales Journal of Education)

  • Developing Effective Schools: Creating School Contexts that Facilitate Teacher Engagement with Collaborative Action Research

    Wales Journal of Education

    Developing Effective Schools: Creating School Contexts that Facilitate Teacher Engagement with Collaborative Action Research

    Authors: ,


The Welsh Assembly Government launched its School Effectiveness Framework in 2008. Evidence from the literature suggests that Collaborative Action Research is an effective method for facilitating teacher development however this approach is not widely adopted by schools. This article describes a study, which was part of the ESR C TLRP programme, which identified the school and teacher based factors that help and hinder teachers' engagement with Collaborative Action Research The conduct of the study in the seven participating schools is outlined. Findings that identified significant organisational and structural factors at the level of the school system and teacher group are described. On the basis of this evidence the paper concludes with a discussion of the cross cutting themes of collaboration and ownership which are important for teacher engagement with action research.

How to Cite:

Davies, S. M. & Howes, A., (2009) “Developing Effective Schools: Creating School Contexts that Facilitate Teacher Engagement with Collaborative Action Research”, Wales Journal of Education 14(2), 3-17.

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Published on
20 Jul 2009
Peer Reviewed