The editors of the Wales Journal of Education discuss published articles with the authors, who share what prompted them to undertake their research, the most important findings of their work, and the implications for education policy and practice.
Hosted by Professor Gary Beauchamp, Professor Tom Crick, and Professor Enlli Thomas
11 ‘Exploring teachers’ confidence in addressing mental health issues in learners with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties pre and post training’ with Eve Devlin
Eve Devlin and Gary Beauchamp discuss Eve’s research into the benefits of training for education professionals on the topic of mental health for learners with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD).
Read Eve’s article in the Focus on Practice collection:
Article (English): https://journal.uwp.co.uk/wje/article/id/642/
Article (Welsh): https://journal.uwp.co.uk/wje/article/id/649/
10 ‘An exploration of student MFL teachers’ emerging perceptions of decolonising the MFL curriculum’ with Kerry Bevan
Kerry Bevan and Gary Beauchamp discuss Kerry’s research on the growing awareness of coloniality in the teaching of Modern Foreign Languages (MFL). They also discuss the process of presenting the research in a Focus on Practice article.
Article (English): https://doi.org/10.16922/wje.p6
Article (Welsh): https://doi.org/10.16922/ffocws6
9 ‘Strike a pose! Continuity and change in school class photographs: Shifting representations of education and childhood through time’ with Dr Merris Griffiths
Dr Merris Griffiths and Professor Gary Beauchamp discuss the article ‘Strike a pose! Continuity and change in school class photographs’, which tracks how ‘education’ and ‘childhood’ are visually represented through time.
Article (English): https://doi.org/10.16922/wje.25.1.5
Article (Welsh): https://doi.org/10.16922/wje.25.1.5cym
8 ‘Defining Parental Engagement in ITE: from relationships to partnerships’ with Professor Janet Goodall
Professor Janet Goodall and Professor Tom Crick discuss the article ‘Defining Parental Engagement in ITE’, which presents a unique view of the perceived value of parental engagement with children’s learning within Initial Teacher Education (ITE) in Wales, the first such investigation of its kind.
Article (English): https://doi.org/10.16922/wje.24.2.2
Article (Welsh): https://doi.org/10.16922/wje.24.2.2cym
7: ‘Towards the language continuum: Definitions and implications for Welsh learners in English-medium education’ with Dr Alexander Edwin Lovell
Dr Alexander Edwin Lovell joins Professor Enlli Thomas to discuss his article: ‘Towards the language continuum: Definitions and implications for Welsh learners in English-medium education’. https://doi.org/10.16922/wje.25.1.4
6: ‘Primary school parent governors in a deprived south Wales community: how do their experiences contribute to our understanding of school governance?’ with Dr Allan Glyndwr Meredith
Professor Tom Crick talks to Dr Allan Glyndwr Meredith about his article ‘Primary school parent governors in a deprived south Wales community: how do their experiences contribute to our understanding of school governance?’ https://doi.org/10.16922/wje.25.2.3
5: ‘Levelling the playing field: A Review of Mentoring in the CaBan Initial Teacher Education programme’ with Dr Luke Jones and Gethin Foulkes
Professor Tom Crick is joined by Dr Luke Jones and Gethin Foulkes to discuss their article, ‘Levelling the playing field: A Review of Mentoring in the CaBan Initial Teacher Education programme’. https://doi.org/10.16922/wje.24.2.3
4: ‘“Everything we do revolves around the exam”: What are students’ perceptions and experiences of learning Welsh as a second language in Wales?’ with Dr Mirain Rhys
Professor Enlli Thomas is joined by Dr Mirain Rhys to discuss the article: ‘“Everything we do revolves around the exam”: What are students’ perceptions and experiences of learning Welsh as a second language in Wales?’ https://doi.org/10.16922/wje.24.1.1
3: A Guide for Writing Practitioner Articles, with Professor Gary Beauchamp and Dr Kevin Smith
Professor Gary Beauchamp and Dr Kevin Smith answer frequently-asked-questions on writing and submitting practitioner articles, including:
• Who can submit a practitioner article?
• What topics can a practitioner article cover?
• How should an article be structured?
• How do I submit an article?
• What happens after I submit an article?
2: ‘Predicting undergraduate students’ learning from a lecture: The role of self-control, motivation, and mental effort’ with Dr Robin Owen
Professor Tom Crick talks to Dr Robin Owen about ‘Predicting undergraduate students’ learning from a lecture: The role of self-control, motivation, and mental effort’. https://doi.org/10.16922/wje.24.1.4
1: ‘Practitioners’ knowledge and understanding of schemas and well-being in the Foundation Phase curriculum’ with Dr Alyson Lewis and Dr Amanda Thomas
Professor Gary Beauchamp is joined by Dr Alyson Lewis and Dr Amanda Thomas to discuss their article, ‘Practitioners’ knowledge and understanding of schemas and well-being in the Foundation Phase curriculum’. https://doi.org/10.16922/wje.23.1.3