Wales Journal of Education

The Long Shadow of Incorporation: the Further Education Sector in Devolved Wales

Authors: Martin Jephcote (Wales Journal of Education) , Jane Salisbury (Wales Journal of Education)

  • The Long Shadow of Incorporation: the Further Education Sector in Devolved Wales

    Wales Journal of Education

    The Long Shadow of Incorporation: the Further Education Sector in Devolved Wales

    Authors: ,


This paper suggests that colleges of further education, that is, the managers, lecturers and students who work and learn in them, continue to operate under the long shadow of incorporation despite operating in a devolved Wales where a number of changes to governance have occurred. Set against several sector-wide changes are a study of college principals conducted in late 1994 and a study of lecturers conducted in the period June 2005 to October 2006. Their accounts are used to re-consider the 'new-managerialist' approaches and the longer-term impacts of incorporation on what it is like to work in further education today.

How to Cite:

Jephcote, M. & Salisbury, J., (2007) “The Long Shadow of Incorporation: the Further Education Sector in Devolved Wales”, Wales Journal of Education 14(1), 100-116.

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Published on
01 Aug 2007
Peer Reviewed