Wales Journal of Education

The Impacts of Parliamentary Devolution on Education Policy in Wales

Author: Gareth Rees (Wales Journal of Education)

  • The Impacts of Parliamentary Devolution on Education Policy in Wales

    Wales Journal of Education

    The Impacts of Parliamentary Devolution on Education Policy in Wales



This article presents a framework for analysing the impacts of parliamentary devolution in Wales on education policy. The advent of parliamentary devolution has created circumstances in which education policies have become increasingly distinct from those in other parts of the UK. However, there are important continuities between the pre- and post-Assembly phases of devolution too; and the 'British system' continues to exert a significant influence. In exploring these issues more deeply, it is important to distinguish between changes and continuities in: the processes through which education policies are formed; the nature of the policies which are adopted; and the impacts of policies on educational provision. At the moment, it is only really the first two of these for which systematic evidence is available. The analysis presented here suggests that those groupings in civil society which have historically exerted a powerful influence over the policy process in Welsh education continue to do so. Indeed, it can be suggested that parliamentary devolution has created new opportunities through which such influence can be applied. This suggests, in turn, that the distinctiveness of Welsh education policy should be interpreted as a continuation of established, social democratic policy themes; in contrast with the radical changes being effected by New Labour in England.

How to Cite:

Rees, G., (2007) “The Impacts of Parliamentary Devolution on Education Policy in Wales”, Wales Journal of Education 14(1), 8-20.

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Published on
01 Aug 2007
Peer Reviewed