Research Articles (Welsh)

Personoliaeth a Chrefydd ymysg Siaradwyr Cymraeg 9–11 Mlwydd Oed

Authors: Leslie J. Francis (Wales Journal of Education) , Enlli M. Thomas (Wales Journal of Education)

  • Personoliaeth a Chrefydd ymysg Siaradwyr Cymraeg 9–11 Mlwydd Oed

    Research Articles (Welsh)

    Personoliaeth a Chrefydd ymysg Siaradwyr Cymraeg 9–11 Mlwydd Oed

    Authors: ,


A sample of 780 pupils attending year four, year five and year six classes in Welsh-medium primary schools in south Wales completed the Welsh-language editions of the short-form Revised Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire and the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity. The data demonstrated that a positive attitude toward Christianity is associated with lower psychoticism scores and higher lie scale scores, but is independent of both neuroticism scores and extraversion scores. These findings are consistent with a developing body of international research concerned with the location of religiosity within a dimensional model of personality and provide further evidence to suggest that a positive attitude toward Christianity is associated with being tenderminded and with an absence of those psychological characteristics that are consistent with psychotic disorders.As well as providing new data on the personality correlates of religiosity among Welsh-speaking primary school pupils, this study has demonstrated the research capability of the Welsh-language editions of the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity and the short-form Revised Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. The fact that the present study replicated so closely the findings of studies conducted with the English-language editions of these instruments adds further weight to the construct validity of the relatively new and largely untested Welsh-language instruments.

How to Cite:

Francis, L. J. & Thomas, E. M., (2003) “Personoliaeth a Chrefydd ymysg Siaradwyr Cymraeg 9–11 Mlwydd Oed”, Wales Journal of Education 12(2), 99-110.

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Published on
01 Dec 2003
Peer Reviewed