Wales Journal of Education

Chalk, Talk, Technology and the Teacher: Teacher Decisions in Blended Learning

Author: Nina Smalley (Wales Journal of Education)

  • Chalk, Talk, Technology and the Teacher: Teacher Decisions in Blended Learning

    Wales Journal of Education

    Chalk, Talk, Technology and the Teacher: Teacher Decisions in Blended Learning



Much of the hyperbole surrounding technology appears to assume that learners will be able to take control of their own learning and that teachers will be relegated to the position of facilitator. However, this paper argues that, in bringing computers into the classroom, teachers must play a more fundamental role in teaching and learning, in terms of both process and content. So-called 'blended learning' calls for the best elements of traditional classroom-based teaching and learning to be combined with the best elements of technology. This paper considers the decisions that teachers must make in order to blend these approaches, with reference to Sternberg's (1998) developing-expertise model, and concludes that ultimately it is the teacher who must integrate technology into the classroom in the most effective manner.

How to Cite:

Smalley, N., (2003) “Chalk, Talk, Technology and the Teacher: Teacher Decisions in Blended Learning”, Wales Journal of Education 12(1), 53-63.

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Published on
01 Jun 2003
Peer Reviewed