Wales Journal of Education

The Use of Tangible Rewards in the Management of Pupils in Comprehensive Secondary Schools in Wales

Authors: Judith Aubrey-Hopkins (Wales Journal of Education) , Chris James (Wales Journal of Education)

  • The Use of Tangible Rewards in the Management of Pupils in Comprehensive Secondary Schools in Wales

    Wales Journal of Education

    The Use of Tangible Rewards in the Management of Pupils in Comprehensive Secondary Schools in Wales

    Authors: ,


This paper reports research into schemes that use tangible rewards in the management of pupils in comprehensive secondary schools in Wales. We review the relevant literature on the use of tangible rewards in schools, discuss the different kinds of scheme that use tangible rewards and consider the appropriateness of such schemes in secondary school settings. We then outline the research methodology, the nature of the reward schemes we studied and the themes that emerged from the data analysis. The themes were: what is rewarded, equity and consistency, the reward scheme in relation to key stage and progression, the pupil management policy context, pupil engagement and perception, benefit and cost, and scheme development. The implications of these outcomes for the effective management of reward schemes are considered in the final section.

How to Cite:

Aubrey-Hopkins, J. & James, C., (2002) “The Use of Tangible Rewards in the Management of Pupils in Comprehensive Secondary Schools in Wales ”, Wales Journal of Education 11(2), 91-108.

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Published on
01 Dec 2002
Peer Reviewed