Wales Journal of Education

Polisïau Rhifedd ar gyfer Ysgolion Cynradd Cymru a Lloegr: Gwahaniaethau sy'n Cyfrif?

Author: Dylan V. Jones (Wales Journal of Education)

  • Polisïau Rhifedd ar gyfer Ysgolion Cynradd Cymru a Lloegr: Gwahaniaethau sy'n Cyfrif?

    Wales Journal of Education

    Polisïau Rhifedd ar gyfer Ysgolion Cynradd Cymru a Lloegr: Gwahaniaethau sy'n Cyfrif?



The implementation of the National Numeracy Strategy (NNS) in English primary schools in September 1999 was arguably one of the most significant statutory interventions in primary mathematics for over a hundred years. The expectation that all schools should now adopt teaching methods which are perceived to 'work' has had a profound effect on the way mathematics is taught in English primary schools and has enjoyed unprecedented support from headteachers and classroom practitioners. The NNS, however, does not apply in Wales where an alternative strategy has encouraged ocal education authorities (LEAs) and schools to develop locally based numeracy strategies to reflect local contexts and needs. This article considers the main differences between the English and Welsh numeracy initiatives and asks whether there are likely to be any real differences in the strategies' contributions to raising standards of numeracy. Reference is made to a project based at Aberystwyth which has, during recent months, begun to analyse comparative quantative data relating to the way in which these alternative strategies are impacting upon teachers and pupils. The article concludes by suggesting that subjecting the effect of these alternative numeracy initiatives to closer scrutiny might usefully inform future policy-making.

How to Cite:

Jones, D. V., (2002) “Polisïau Rhifedd ar gyfer Ysgolion Cynradd Cymru a Lloegr: Gwahaniaethau sy'n Cyfrif?”, Wales Journal of Education 11(2), 26-40.

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Published on
01 Dec 2002
Peer Reviewed